vrijdag 20 maart 2009

antidepressiva en zelfdoding

We hebben nu al een aantal bizarre, gewelddadige gebeurtenissen gehad de laatste tijd. Twee weken geleden is er nog iets zeer bizars bijgekomen.

Uit respect voor de familie ga ik niet in detail treden.

Het betreft een volwassen vrouw die op de meest bloederige en pijnlijke manier zelfdoding gepleegd heeft. Ze heeft zelf haar keel overgesneden. Deze vrouw was was opnieuw begonnen, na een interval, met het nemen van antidepressiva.

Als we moeten geloven  wat op de volgende site staat mogen we meer en meer zeer bizarre moorden en zelfmoorden verwachten.


 On September 14, 2004 the FDA added a Black Box Warning in regard to antidepressants & suicidality in those under age 18.

Ik heb weet van verschillende keren dat een 13, 14 of 15 jarige antidepressiva kreeg voorgeschreven door een psychiater.

Adverse reactions are most likely to occur when starting or discontinuing the drug, increasing or lowering the dose or when switching from one SSRI to another.  Adverse reactions are often diagnosed as bipolar disorder when the symptoms may be entirely iatrogenic (treatment induced). 

Het gaat hier om ongelooflijk veel geld vooral bij de firma Ely Lilly, een supermachtige farmaceutisch bedrijf . Wie gaat hen stoppen? Wie heeft het lef om dit alles eens bloot te leggen in Belgiƫ? Welke politieker heeft het lef om zijn nek uit te steken?

 Nog zo’n bizarre zelfdoding:


Sheesh. Whatever you say about this man, you cannot accuse him of being undedicated about his own demise. Here are the grim details.

A man cut off his own head with a chainsaw after stabbing his 70-year-old father to death in their apartment in the German city of Cologne, police said.

The body of the offender, 24, was found headless when police raced to the apartment after an emergency call, apparently from the dying father, had been broken off in mid-sentence.

Alf Willwacher, a senior prosecutor, said an electric chainsaw was next to the son's body.

"We do not believe any third party was involved,'' he said.

Neighbours said the father and son had been reclusive since the death of the mother, allegedly by suicide, several years ago.

Man chops off head with chainsaw - World - smh.com.au

Of all the ways to kill yourself, this way must take a certain tenacity. This guy really wanted to kill himself. There was no mucking around. Once he picked up that chainsaw, he knew he was going to make a good go of it.


 En pogingen tot zelfdoding:


 MS. GOFF:  I do not have any financial ties.  I am her with my daughter, Alex.  We are 
here to tell you about her twin sister, Devon, when she was 9 years old.  We are also joined by Senator Lincoln Chafee's wife Stephanie who is a friend of ours.
In 2002, Devon developed an obsessive-compulsive disorder very suddenly and severely. In a three-month period, she lost 10 pounds.  We consulted a specialist who
 prescribed Zoloft on her second visit with him. Soon thereafter, he increased the Zoloft to 50 milligrams or more, but it didn't help, so he changed her prescription to Paxil.
She was hospitalized and Devon's medical condition was compromised in that she had developed a cardiac arrhythmia and had to be placed on a heart monitor.  She was in the hospital for one month, and she was on the heart monitor and bed rest for the entire time.
During this time, her Paxil was increased to 20 milligrams.  A few days later she was started on Zyprexa also.  Devon was not getting any better,in fact, her behaviors grew worse.  She began hitting her head against the metal hospital bed.
She threatened to jump out of the window on two occasions. 
On two other occasions, we found a pair of sharp scissors in her bed.  Our child was never suicidal before these medications.  At one point, my 9-year-old child, who weighed little more than 60 pounds, was on 30 milligrams of Paxil and 10 milligrams of Zyprexa.
Our gentle daughter would now fly into a rage several times each day.  It became part of our life to have my husband and myself restrain Devon at times for fear that she would truly hurt herself.
During these times, she would try to inflict injury upon herself by banging her head on walls, beds, floors.  She would punch herself in the legs and arms.  She grew extremely violent toward us.  She would run to the silverware drawer and get a knife and attempt to stab herself.
The worst moment happened when I looked in on her, in her room one night, to find her by her open second floor bedroom window with one leg out the window in a position as if she appeared she would jump.
Devon is presently being treated for Lyme Disease.  In summary, our experience has been one of absolute terror to watch your 9-year-old daughter suffer so much, so suddenly, and to be so lost in helping her.
So often we would ask why this was happening, and we were told to forget about the

Onze regering heeft voor dit jaar 1 000 000 € uitgetrokken voor zelfmoordpreventie. Er staan allerlei acties  op hert programma. Onderzoek naar de correlatie tussen zelfdoding en psychofarmaca zit er niet tussen denk ik. Waarom niet? Bang om tot de verkeerde conclusies te komen?

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